Lower thread breaks

Remove and reinsert the bobbin case and pull on the thread. The thread should pull easily.

Inserting the bobbin

Important: Turn power switch (20) to off ("O").

SNMD33A1 Spule einlegen 1

When inserting or removing the bobbin (h), the needle must be fully raised.

1. Open the hinged cover.

2. Pull the bobbin case tab (A) and remove the bobbin case. Hold the bobbin case with one hand.

SNMD33A1 Spule einlegen 2

3. Insert the bobbin so that the thread runs in a clockwise direction (arrow).

4/5. Pull the thread into the slit and under the tension spring.

SNMD33A1 Spule einlegen 3

6. Hold the bobbin case between the index finger and thumb on the bobbin case tab (A)..

7. Insert it into the shuttle race.

Check both bobbin and bobbin case.

Inserting the bobbin

Important: Turn power switch to off ("O").

SNMD33A1 Spule einlegen 1

When inserting or removing the bobbin , the needle must be fully raised.

1. Open the hinged cover.

2. Pull the bobbin case tab (A) and remove the bobbin case. Hold the bobbin case with one hand.

SNMD33A1 Spule einlegen 2

3. Insert the bobbin so that the thread runs in a clockwise direction (arrow).

4/5. Pull the thread into the slit and under the tension spring.

SNMD33A1 Spule einlegen 3

6. Hold the bobbin case between the index finger and thumb on the bobbin case tab (A).

7. Insert it into the shuttle race.

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